New Year Same You

I don't know how many times I've said to myself, "This is my year" or, new year, new me, or any one of those cliche phrases that leave us feeling like we're not enough as we are.  And then the Valentines cards come out, dagger turned.  As a more single than not lady, it's tough.

This year, I am giving myself grace and looking at the things I have accomplished versus not.  Time is non-linear. There are things I still yearn to do, there are things I have done, and there's everything in between.  

I just came across a wonderful poem written down in one of my notebooks by Lao Tzu,

"Those who know do not tell,

Those who tell do not know.

Not to set the tongue loose

But to curb it,

Not to have edges that catch

But to remain untangled,



Is to find balance

And he who holds balance beyond sway of love or hate,

Beyond reach of profit or loss,

Beyond care of praise or blame,

Has attained the highest post in the world."

This year my goal is service.  I want to be of service to people.  Through education, through fashion, art, meditation, yoga, and most of all community.  I want to support a community here in my town of Trinidad, and also in a broader sense.  One full of virtue, compassion and understanding. One where we can learn from each other and grow in ourselves.  Where our worth isn't measured by money in our bank accounts but connections made and aha moments of spiritual enlightenments.  Feelings of oneness over separation.  Loving all that is.  The good, the exciting, the illuminating, and also the bad, the scary, the fearful.  Learning to harness the energys these negative emotions bring and use them for growth.  

What are you scared of? Excited for? Dreading?